video of the week


to - do

i have so much to do but here's the most important things;

  • add sum images mayb


25.02.18: created the base for my about me, I just need to make it look nice now. 1/8 pages done

25.02.17: finally fixed the colours. God they were ugly.

25.02.16: bro my fuckign font is still gone FILEGARDEN WHYYYYYYYY

webrings might go here, if i join any...

welcome to my site, thansu :3
I started on feb 3rd, 2025 because i really needed something to do. I don't have much to say about this, it's just my corner of the web. And although it's pretty empty as of now, it'll be a place for me to archive my interests, obsessions and just my personal life. Honestly I'm just a dude who likes gdragon, the colour pink and dumbass ships.

I named this site after my favourite ship, Namsu. I was originally going to call it thangyu but after scrolling through namsu posts i genuinely fell in love with the ship. God, I love toxic yaoi.

    some important thingies about the site:

  • feel free to steal code. This site only exists thanks to sites like doqmeat and w3schools which taught me and also i honestly dgaf, free web n all
  • this site is not for kids!! Shrines which are paticularily gory will have a warning before you enter.
  • some images do not have alt text yet, and thats mb working on it
  • this site looks best on firefox with a display resolution of 1920x1080 cus thats what i work on, i haven't tried to see if this will work on a phone but i guarentee it wont
  • this site isn't pretty cus i have bad taste + im bad at coding. thats a warnign on its own, i cannot code for the life of me vro

thank u for visiting very nice of u